Monday 8 November 2010

Natural Selection

There's nothing like a good old case of flu (I think it was flu at least?) to make you lay in bed for 17 hours with nothing to do but ache, succumb to fever and think of all the things you'd rather be doing. Well, given my lengthy thinking time you'll be glad to know that I did indeed think about doing some work once more!

Tonight's been pretty productive to be honest. Mostly creating stuff and not running into many bugs. It's now possible to scale objects using the mouse wheel to scale up and down before placing an object and it's also possible to select items already placed as well. Being able to select things makes room for lots of new functionality. Moving them up and down layers, fine tweaking their position, resizing them or just deleting them.

At the moment re-positioning and deleting is implemented all complimented by a handy selection box shown around the object in question. Just scaling and draw order to work on next.

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