Thursday 28 October 2010

Yarrrr!!! and stuff...

Ok, so the mini mini project was actually completed on time, however there were a few slight changes to what I had originally planned. Because I always want to do one better than myself (yes you read that right, I compete with myself...) I decided to create a completely new game somehow related to the school rather than remaking something I new I could already do.
When I came up with this idea I thought I had maybe an entire week to get things done. However, work was  super busy making me incredibly tired and/or ill, turning my week into a mere 2 days. (I like a challenge but considering my "I feel dead" state, I didn't really want to make an entirely new game in my spare time). But I kinda shrugged it off and came up with this:
The title screen uses 3D models/water (the water moves/reflects and looks very cool)

The game screen is 2D (the water still moves and still looks cool). Check it out, my particle engine is in there ;)

 There's also a funky character selection screen that I won't show because it uses actual people who I modified to look like pirates. I'm not sure they would appreciate me putting those pictures on the internet...
Considering it took a grand total of 12 hours over the course of 2 days, there's a considerable amount of stuff in this "mini" project. It's also given me some insight into some problems I'm gonna have with water in the times.

Speaking of the RPG, I'm currently working on scaling objects. This is a bit tricky considering that an object is made out of many tiles that have been "placed" in a specific position to create the illusion of it being a complete object. Each tile must be scaled and moved appropriately depending on it's position and size. Good fun...

But yeh, I'm still going folks