Tuesday 4 January 2011

Happy new year!

Well folks it's back to work tomorrow and therefore back to work on the game as well! (Yayyyy!) Just a quick update to let you know what's in the pipeline:

Updating to XNA 4.0
After doing a bit of research it seems they have made nice strides in terms of audio in the past few updates. Enough that I will benefit from it at least. For this reason everything will be updated to run with XNA 4.0. This may or may not cause a few issues at first but I'm sure it won't be too much trouble...he says...

Updating the particle engine
The particle engine does everything I want it to do, but it isn't the most elegant library in the world. I'll be updating the engine so that it's a bit more friendly and nicer to look at when calling it's methods! Seeing as how I need to update it to XNA 4.0 it seems like a good opportunity to re-factor the whole thing

Graphics and Audio engine
There are still a few things needed to make the map maker complete. Particles and water for example. But before I finish that I'll be starting on the game engine. More specifically, sprites and animated sprites (characters, treasuer chests etc...) and the music engine.

PC's (Playable Characters)
Once I've got the sprite classes sorted I'll start looking at creating everything needed for playable characters. Name, level, portrait, bio, position in party, anything that is going to be needed or could ever possibly be needed for a playable character whether it gets used or not will have to be accounted for.

So that's what you'll be seeing over the coming months. As things progress you'll start to see a lot more video's. Let's see what problems the new year brings ;)


  1. So, you want me to have something finished sometime this year? 'cause I've almost got 8 peeps finished. Just gotta do the back sprite of Natalie and learn how to do curly hair to do Lew. And then I wanted to improve the templates a bit more before I start clothes.

    If my being lazy starts to slow down your plans just give me a swift slap to the junk and I'm sure I'll get to finishing things ;).

  2. lol, sounds good! I'll let you get the templates sorted before I blag them off you cus it will effect the code. Got plenty to be getting on with in the mean time!!

    ...woops!! back to work ;)
