Sunday 29 August 2010

Back on track

The holidays are coming to an end and my mood for doing work is slowly increasing...In short, I'm getting back into the swing of things! Visual studio blowing up in my face repeatedly certainly made my enthusiasm drop, but the source of the problem has been sorted and even better, I've finished that particular part of the map maker. A grid is now draw on top of tilesets of any size the user defines. I'm also half way to being able to select parts of the tileset to be drawn.
At the moment clicking on the tileset will draw a red box around the tile clicked (the size of the box depends on what the user has specified the size of a tile to be). Clicking and dragging selects multiple tiles and unlike my previous map maker, you can now drag in any direction and the correct tiles will be selected.
There's still a few more things to do since at the moment the only thing happening is that a red box is drawn around the "selected" tiles (they are not truly selected, it just looks like they are). Next step is to move these selected tiles into a map or object space

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