Wednesday 6 October 2010

Fills me with confidence

I really should stop punning with my blog titles...
Well if you haven't figured it out from that, I've implemented a 'fill' function that lets you fill the map with a certain object. As an example and to show off some upcoming shiny's I selected a grass object 1x1 tiles's in size and used the fill function to fill the entire map (size in pixels can be seen in the bottom right) with that grass object

Click to enlarge

The GUI will more than likely be changed once the bulk of coding is done but you can see in the lower right some things that have already been implemented (Map resizing, Map preview draw methods, Adding and removing additional layers and being able to set the collision map)

The whole thing is nearly finished, just a few things left on my to do list and unless I think of things to add along the way, these should be the last! Check it out:

The additional option of using a tile based collision system instead of texture based
Water effects (water effects will be applied to a selected region/s of the map)
Atmosphere effects (day/night/fog)
Weather effects (rain/snow/storm)
Managing multiple maps in one project (that's what the big white box at the bottom is for)
Draw to rectangle (like the fill function, but only fills a region specified by the user)
Map Saving/Loading
Eraser and undo functions

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