Tuesday 5 October 2010

In between work and play

Ooooo! look! an update!
That's right folks, in between work and Fifa and FF14 I have salvaged some time to do some more stuff on the map maker. Collision maps can now be applied to normal maps. I've not done the logic behind it yet cus I've not started to implement the live testing phase yet. By that I mean you cab have a character walking around the map even as you build it. Ideal for testing collisions and occlusions and generally getting the feel of a map. I've also implemented a few drawing options for maps such as:
being able to draw the entire map to a specified opacity
being able to draw the entire map to semi transparency, except the layer you are currently working on which is drawn at full opacity
being able to draw the entire map at full opacity, representing a preview of what it will look like in game.

Speaking of which, I've also made a few changes to the map so that there can be an infinite number of layers. I can't see any immediate use for more than 2 layers, but just in case, the option is in there. It's just a case of implementing the GUI for all these things. That and saving of course. Not a lot of use if we can't save a map...

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