Thursday 14 October 2010


You may have noticed I've not updated for a while. This is actually due to the fact I have nothing to update you with! Parental units have gone to Cyprus for 2 weeks, leaving me with an empty house! This means loud music and access to the TV! So you can imagine why I haven't been doing much work in this time ;)

Though, for a small change of pace I'll be updating you on a mini mini mini project I'll be working on. I've been asked to give a presentation to year 6 about careers in the game industry. Out of curiosity I was asked "is there anything you've made that we can run in the background?"

To which I replied "nothing really appropriate...I made space invaders, but instead of there being space invaders there were birds, and instead of them shooting you they were shitting on you."
"Oh, they'll love that!"

...right! ok then! time to dig out the old uni code and polish it up a bit! Hopefully you'll also see a nifty presentation posted here as well. This is to be done by Thursday next week, so stay tuned!

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